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1. То be effective the roughing job must be accurate and must remove as much excess stock as possible in one cut. 2. To detect and measure the irregularities of the finer surfaces requires the use of high magnification with very light operating forces. 3. The object of the piston ring is to hold the compressed and exploded gases above the piston. 4. The purpose of a compression ring is to prevent gas leakage. 5. Careful measurements show the increases to be equal between each consecutive pair of flashes. 6. There is a cam for each valve to be operated. 7. To overcome vibration in the engine, the crankshaft and flywheel are balanced separately. 8. If the bond wears away too rapidly, the wheel appears to be soft. 9. The principle of operation for round surfaces is that the part to be ground is put upon the centers and driven exactly as in the ordinary lathe. 10. If two pulleys connected by a band are to rotate in the same direction, the open belt arrangement is used.